
Today is one of lot good day. Pemberkasan betul-betul membuat satu hari yang melelahkan baik fisik maupun mental psikologis. Capek betul ini raga dan jiwa ini juga ingin istirahat. Tapi begitu istirahat datanglah undangan untuk acara Pembubaran Panitia Wisuda Fakultas. Hal yang berat untuk ditolak karena undangan datang langsung via telpon. Dengan agak berat hati tetep berangkat. Memenuhi undangan temen yang memang sudah seperti sodara sendiri, hilang berat hati. Sesampainya disana, sudah menunggu semua obat lelah jiwa dan raga. Makanan, temen lama, tempat yang nyaman, dan yang jelas berjumpa dengan orang yang berjasa besar dalam enam tahun terakhir ini. Beliau adalah orang yang sangant ingin kuberitahu tentang kabar gembira ini dan juga kumintai doa restunya agar terus sukses. Amin. Hari ini adalah salah satu hari terbaik yang pernah ada…………May Alloh SWT bless us all with many better things. Amin.


Well every meet had an end whether we like it or not. It just so hard to leave something we love so much. So sometime we hope even had a promise that we will return, somehow, anyhow, to this we love so much. Yes! We do more and more just to make this meet a bit longer, if it cant last. Or find the way around to make another meet, even with the other shape. It still we never could leave so many thing that made us so alive, so brave, so happy to face this uncertain world. Hopefully this lot effort could make this be better and better, longer meet with all my love.

Me First!

Well I’am so happy this night. What? Why? Huahahahah Finally I can build my own website (or blog) without having to connect to internet. Yes! Thanks to PC Media Magazine for “Membangun Website dengan WordPress” article. Those show me how.After two hard-session struggling with Appserv and Joomla configuration to make this works, it works.

This post is me first offline-post. Usually I write me post online.

After this moment there will be more posts and off course much progress to develop this blog.

Thank you for paying attention on this tiny post.

Why We Must Total in Everything We Do

World is shape from millions of good will.Therefore none of them are alike. But,this never matter. For it is makes our world colourfull.
This means in every human being there are so different in their will. No matter how close they are.
In every will contains goal which is I like to name it dream. This dream makes us alive and so passionate to live and enlive.
Each dream, however, will come true as long as its always tries to be made. Dream, sound like its name, so beautifull, wonderfull, perfect, and was everyone dream off. for certain Dream arent hard to get. No body with just effort should reach their dream. They will never.